New Zealand - Travel Information and Travel Guide

Filled with many highland landscapes that wow your eyes, turquoise water bodies, its beautiful diverse natural creations, long preserved history and unique culture to explore are the attractive reasons for visiting New Zealand as one of your major tourist destinations. New Zealand experiences all the four seasons of the year. However, every season has its unique way of enjoying holidays while touring in New Zealand. During the winter season you will find people ice skating, riding on snow mobiles among other snow games enjoyed in the island. The summer season is witnessed when many tourists flow to the beach and others may nature tours in the mainland. 

New Zealand is one of the members of Commonwealth, with modernized infrastructural facilities and a thriving economy. New Zealand has a rich history that dates way back to the tenth century when it was first inhabited by the indigenous Maori communities. There are many historic sites to reveal a lot about the ancient environment of New Zealand. Visit the museums, old castles and idle mining centers that were once the economic pillars of the communities that dwelled in the region. Some of the greatest tourist attractions in New Zealand are the amazing tropical island Tokelau, Akaroa and Queenstown. 

The Larnach Castle is one of the old structures dating back to the nineteenth century, which was established by William Larnach, a political icon of the period. The Otago Gold centre was one of the gold producing areas that supported the industrial revolution in New Zealand by being a money generating resource for the economy. Te Maketu, next to present day Auckland, is another historic center that was first settled by the ancient Maori tribes. 

Dive into the beauty of the nature of New Zealand from the dynamic view of landscapes, volcanic features, heavily emerged forest vegetation and varieties of species of flora and fauna. Watch geothermal action present in this country and several high volcanoes overtaking the atmosphere. Take a nature walk into the dense forests of the parks and find unique animals such as the Tuatara Lizard, and many colorful bird species that fill the fresh air with their awakening melodies. There are thousands of animal species to see in this island country. Together with Australia, this is one of the most interesting travel destination for every traveller in the world. 

The beach points of New Zealand are attractive lively spots to enjoy your holiday. During the winter, you can carry your snowboard to the nearby snowy slopes and enjoy sliding down along the ice. During summer, it is a place for diving and snorkeling, among other activities you would enjoy under the sun. The coastal beauty stands out with turquoise waters of the Pacific Ocean, colorful bays, harbors and striking cliffs along some beaches. 

New Zealand has world class accommodation and varieties to choose from. There are the executive beach resorts, holiday houses, quality hotels, lodges and restaurants. There are clubs that operate all night long. The dishes are unique and rich in delicacy. Cultural dances are held occasionally in some hotels. You just have to book a room in the accommodation facilities available, pay their affordable fees and begin to settle safely every time you rest from a long day of adventure in New Zealand.

New Zealand map

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